Saturday, March 21, 2009

Working on the thesis

It is spring break, here at Roger Williams University, and I hardly know it. I have been working on my thesis for a majority of the time because our mid-review is next Friday. I am a little stressed out about it because I want to have a lot done for it, but its just taking forever. I have finished my cad plans enough to start 3d modeling on Revit, but since I just got a new laptop, my Revit wasn't fully functioning, so I had to waste a work day to reinstall it. It takes forever to install! Fortunately, my parents came to visit yesterday and I didn't really waste time because I was going to spend time with them anyway while my computer was reinstalling. Anyway, it's Saturday which means I have 2 days to work before my (not)fun-filled week and classes start again:(

On a high note, I found some new sites for some good cad blocks in addition to (Thanks to Sari for this one)

Also, just a note for myself to have somewhere so I don't forget...
Optimal laser settings for 1/32" chipboard: PPI: 980, Speed: 20, PWR: 90
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