Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lazy Sunday, Lazy Sunday

I haven't posted in almost 4 months, AHHHH!!!  And I come back to a complete redesign of Blogspot!  Hopefully I can get the hang of this...

Anyway, my summer has been filled with weddings, traveling, beaches, wineries, camping, tubing (and freezing) down the Delaware river, fresh delicious foods & bbq's, and seeing lots and LOTS of friends!  (Very happy about the amount/quality of friends we've been able to see lately!)  Exhausting, but I really can't complain as we're living the good life!

Now that summer is coming to an end :( and the fall depression will start to set in, I am finally experiencing my first "Lazy" Sunday since about May.

On the agenda:
1.) New fall clothes
2.) NOT having all of these bug bites to scratch constantly.  My legs are COVERED!
3.) Football season!  Just drafted my Fantasy Football team yesterday
4.) Still scouring condos in Hoboken and hopefully purchasing one so I can finally stop commuting 4 hours a day.
5.) Breaking out ye old crock pot
6.) Finally finishing all the photo editing of all the fun we've been having this summer.  I am MONTHS behind!

Here's a small glimpse of the summer.

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My brother's "When Life Gives You Lemons Party" in DC, complete with summer cocktails, TONS of delicious BBQ, visiting with some old college friends, roof-top-deckery, and drawing pictures with my niece.

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My gorgeous 2 year old niece (and dad)...growing up so fast

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She wanted a green house with yellow shutters, and 4 dogs and a dog house, with palm trees, by the beach...very demanding for a 2 year old

Summer birthdays at the beach!

Friends from faraway places

And of course, LOTS of eating!

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