Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Radvent, Day 11 - DREAMING

What is your personal dream? What would happen if your dream came true?

It takes me a long time to decide on "a dream" because once I commit to having a dream, I will stop at nothing to make it happen. I often create dreams where I will expand a tangible dream into a crazy "intangible" dream.

Current dreams include:
Getting a golden retriever (crazy dream: living on a farm with hundreds of golden retrievers. I just want their furry, floppy, goodness all around me!)

Designing my own house. This one terrifies me because I would would want every "cool" thing I have seen in my own house. I might go crazy! Also, I heard that having yourself as your own client is a horrific experience.

To live an urban lifestyle. I am tired of relying on a car, not being able to have spontaneity, and having to plan out errand trips. (I once drove to 3 different grocery stores in one day.) I was inspired by a class I took in grad school where we studied urban/dense living in which communities would be built around transit, amenities, community. We have all been programmed to want big houses in the country side with acres of land, but that is just not for me. Give me my box in the city!

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