Sunday, December 5, 2010

Radvent, Day 3- WRITING:

Today’s journaling challenge is about giving yourself permission to put any thought into words. Explore your feelings and dreams, record your moods, and embrace your own unique weirdness. Make collages, lists, and inspiration boards with quotes and pictures and drawings. Write about the things you are afraid to say. The things you aren’t supposed to say. It’s all okay and it’s all allowed!

My Dearest Katharine,

I have never been that fancy with my choice of words, so I’m just going to get straight to the point: You are better than you think you are. There have been many times in your life that you think you aren’t deserving of family, friends, love, opportunities, golden retrievers, etc. but you totally are. You are often shy, awkward, unsure of your capabilities; but on the flip side, I am proud that you don’t care about what other people think about you, and you can find something funny out of any situation! Be confident in yourself; don’t sell yourself short. You got this far without asking for any help; but it is okay to ask for help. You are proud of your accomplishments, even though you may think that you have yet to accomplish anything. Remember that you are now only 25. You have made it through high school (and not hated it), completed college, gotten a Masters degree, found someone who understands you, comforts, and laughs with you, made (and kept) true friends, and are practicing in a profession that you have wanted to do since you were 10. Sadly, some people may never even accomplish one of those.

You have often been extremely cautious to try to new things, travel to new places or go after what you really want, or think you want, because you’re afraid of being reckless, or losing your focus. I encourage you to be a little reckless sometimes. Don’t worry all the time about money or doing the “right” thing. Don’t be afraid to fail doing what you believe in. You’ll never know if you don’t try. Don’t be afraid to do something just for yourself. By the time I see you next, you’ll probably have a years-worth of new experiences and adventures to tell me all about. Make sure to keep in touch with everyone who has gotten you this far.


Quarter Century Katharine

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